Media and Entertainment
Media and Entertainment: Market Research/Resources

Media & Entertainment Research And Resources


Country-Specific Industry Resource

The Media & Entertainment team curated country-specific industry resource guides (Guides) for each of the sub-sectors: Music, Filmed Entertainment & Streaming, Video Games, and Publishing. The Guides in the 2021 collection may not reflect every country of interest for every sub-sector. If you find that there is no Guide for your country and sector of interest, reach out to your local International Trade Specialist for information. Similarly, certain sectors are not the best prospects for various countries, so you may notice a variance in the detail of information available. Generally, the Guides serve as an introduction for U.S. clients to international markets. The Guides summarize the sector market, market demand, market competition, intellectual property considerations, and provide information regarding upcoming trade events. Although the Guides provide a general road-map for exporting and expanding to international markets, the Guides are not all-encompassing. The U.S. Commercial Service International Trade Specialists and Commercial Specialists are the true experts for country-specific market intelligence. For detailed information, and assistance in reaching new markets, find your local experts here.

Other Relevant Resources 

  • Foreign direct investors can visit SelectUSA to learn more about M&E prospects in the U.S.
  • The Digital Attaché Program has 12 Digital Trade Officers located in Belgium, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Singapore, and South Africa that can help you gain access to the global online marketplace and navigate foreign digital policy and regulatory issues.  
  • The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s (U.S.PTO) Intellectual Property (IP) Attaché Program is designed to improve IP systems, policies, laws, and regulations that protect IP abroad. 
  • Comply with data protection requirements when transferring personal data from the European Union and Switzerland to the U.S. using the Privacy Shield mechanism.
  • Selected industry reports: