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The Plastic Packaging Tax, introduced in Spain, will be assessed on the manufacture, import or intra-EU acquisitions of non-reusable plastic packaging.
Ghana Expands Localization List for Goods and Services Supplied to Mining Sector
Demand for new bioplastic materials and innovative processing technologies is high and contributes to the European and Italian plastics circular economy policy.
EU Updates the European Control List of Dual-Use Items and Technologies
Ghana announces tender for $29 million AfDB-funded grant for inputs to agriculture sector for value chain development.
Bulgaria’s Promising Infrastructure Progression
Kenya launches its national AfCFTA implementation strategy (2022-2027).
This update explains the evolving dynamics in Ghana’s fertilizer market, which remains highly price sensitive.
Tariff reductions under Ghana’s trade agreements with European Union and United Kingdom / Northern Ireland impact the competitive environment for U.S. exports.
Malaysia to offer grants to aid manufacturers in achieving Industry 4.0 Goals.
Mozambique’s Local Content Group (LCG) seeks to promote Human Skills Development to Strengthen Local Small and Medium Enterprises and Develop Financing Lines.
“Singapore Manufacturing 2030 vision” is a 10-year plan for Singapore manufacturing to grow 50% by 2030.
Concrete Movement Forward on Trade in Goods Among Select AfCFTA Parties.
Equipment and training solutions for food transport and storage in Ghana.
The Government of Canada’s funding of a new critical minerals mining strategy provides U.S companies with an opportunity to expand into the Canadian market.