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Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) holds great market potential for U.S. industry.
The market potential for Taiwan’s nuclear power decommissioning is around $510 million.
FIPAG plans to invest USD 1.8 billion to supply or improve urban water access for approximately 9 million residents by 2032.
Mozambique’s Economic Acceleration Package is a set of fiscal and economic policy reforms aimed at stimulating the national economy.
In preparation, Ethiopian Airlines Group is planning a new airport capable of serving 100 million passengers annually.
U.S. companies are well positioned to take advantage of India’s need for sustainable fuels for its growing fleet of passenger aircraft.
By 2050, the Municipality would need to source 78% of its electricity from Independent Power Producer Program (IPP).
The increasing importance of scientific and efficient management of solid waste in India presents opportunities for U.S. technology companies.
India’s nuclear market provides opportunities for U.S. exporters.
A brief overview of key transformations and disruptions in the Indian automotive sector.
India is leveraging green hydrogen as an alternative fuel for commercial vehicles.
India’s 7,600 kilometer-wide coastline has the potential to generate approximately 140 Gigawatt (GW) of electricity from offshore wind.
Ghana’s tax authorities intensify tax enforcement efforts with multinational and other companies.
Ghana announces commitments and initiatives on Climate Change at COP27.
Creative financing and construction solutions needed for Ghana’s affordable housing surge.