Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Israel Defense Industry Intro to Foreign Military Financing (FMF)

Israel is the leading global recipient of U.S. security assistance under the FMF program.

Aerospace and Defense Israel
Market Intelligence
Poland’s Space Market

The Polish space sector has been developing rapidly since Poland’s accession to the European Space Agency in 2012.

Space Poland Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks Innovators for Next Generation Satellite Communications Network

The Ministry of Defence seeks Industry innovation to define its next generation of military communications satellites.

Satellites United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
EU Export Controls

EU Updates the European Control List of Dual-Use Items and Technologies

Information and Communication Technology EU Export Controls
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Energy Tazama Pipeline Security a Top Priority

The governments of Tanzania and Zambia have agreed to strengthen security along an oil pipeline that runs the length of Tanzania terminating in Zambia.

Defense Equipment Tanzania Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
Ghana Space Science and Technology

Ghana Space Agency to begin full operations in 2023

Satellites Ghana Metrology
Market Intelligence
Taiwan NextGen Satellite Communications

Taiwan accepts LEO satellite license applications from November until the end of 2022. 

Cybersecurity Taiwan Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Poland Travel and Tourism LOT Polish Airlines-JetBlue Airways Agreement

LOT Polish Airlines has signed an intertwine agreement with U.S. carrier JetBlue Airways, creating new opportunities for travel and tourism businesses.

Airlines Poland Air Transport
Market Intelligence
Uganda National Airlines Publishes an Open International Tender


Abridged tender notice for the acquisition of Ramp Buses and the Construction of a Main Equipment Shelter

Aviation Uganda Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Wearable Technologies

The Ministry of Defence’s Defence Science and Technical Lab seeks to identify and develop Generation-after-next Wearable Technologies.  

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks Disruptive Science and Technology

The Ministry of Defence seeks disruptive science and technology that will impact the future of defense.

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Angola Aerospace Air Carrier

The Future of the Angolan Air Carrier TAAG

Aerospace and Defense Angola
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Maritime Submarine Hulls

The Royal Navy is searching for innovative ways to clean submarine hulls and looking for solutions. 

Defense Equipment
Market Intelligence
EU Defense Related Research and Development Financing

Now is the time for U.S. companies to partner with European businesses to compete for the EU’s premier defense research and development program. 

Defense Equipment EU Investment Policy
Market Intelligence
Bulgaria Aeromedical Sector

Bulgaria is preparing to implement a Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) plan. 

Helicopters Bulgaria