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Kenya Announces Interest to Procure Agricultural Machinery and Equipment
Cameroon and African Development Bank
Cote d’Ivoire and the African Development Bank: Country Strategy Paper 2023-2028
Kenya Construction, Maintenance and Repair of Grain Handling Facilities and Infrastructure
The European Union launched initiative to promote precision viticulture.
The Government of Mozambique mandated that biofuels be blended with gasoline and diesel; a major opportunity for U.S. Companies.
Brazil is looking for US agricultural technology in 2024 at AGRISHOW.
Learn more about how the Russia-Ukraine War Disruption Increases Ethiopian Demand for Fertilizer, Soil Supplements, and Certain Crops.
Learn about Panama’s high-quality coffee industry, especially the Geisha variety.
Mozambique foodservice sector is on the rise because of the country’s tourism boost and mega projects in energy and mining.
Brazil has temporarily reduced import duties on aluminum sheets, opening an opportunity for U.S. companies interested in exporting Aluminum sheets to Brazil.
Burma presents business opportunities for U.S. organic fertilizer manufacturers and turn-key contractors.
Nigeria has the biggest egg market in Sub-Saharan Africa: farmers are now resorting to technologies for dehydrating and processing eggs into powder.
As of 2021/22 the country produced 70,228 tons of wheat compared to the country’s demand that is one million tons.
Kenya Seeks New Sources of Fertilizers and Fertilizer Inputs