Import Regulations

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Foreign Import Regulations

Comply with Foreign Import Regulations


Understand the import regulation and get tariff rates before you sell to a foreign market.  

Almost all countries require documentation for imported products and have certain regulations that must be met to ensure safety, quality, and conformity. These requirements often vary country-to-country. In many cases, U.S. exporters will face additional regulations, testing, labeling, or licensing requirements for their products before they can sell to foreign markets. When developing a time frame for your export plan, take these potential factors into account in your international market research.

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Custom Requirements and Documentation
The requirements and required documentation needed to export can vary country to country. Learning the requirements of your specific market can help you sale to them more effectively.
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Product Standards
Standards and regulations in overseas markets can protect the health and safety of consumers or be a barrier to trade. Region-wide standards include the EU CE mark and China CCC mark.
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Tariffs and Free Trade Agreements
Taxes levied by governments on your product's value can vary by country, some countries have free trade agreements with the U.S. which give you a competitive advantage.
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Discriminatory Barriers
Where particularly onerous or discriminatory barriers are imposed by a foreign government, a U.S. company may be able to obtain help from the U.S. Government.
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European Union Privacy/Data laws
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), lays down the rules for the protection of personal data and for the movement of data in the EU.

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