Market Intelligence
Scrap Materials United Kingdom Technical Barriers to Trade

United Kingdom PVC Scrap

In 2021 a new amendment to the Basel Convention on Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal came to force in regards to trade in plastic waste and scrap. This amendment restricts trade in some types of plastic waste/scrap between Members and non-Members of the Convention and establishes a prior consent regime for such trade. The UK is a Basel Convention Party. The UK classifies PVC  scrap under Basel listing Y48 and states that they require prior notice and consent. Transboundary movements of PVC scrap for the United States are not subject to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) export (or import) requirements, but UK importers are expected to submit an import notification to the UK competent authority consistent with the OECD Council Decision mutatis mutandis provisions (a separately negotiated agreement that may allow for trade in such materials among OECD members).

EPA has provided guidance on this topic to assist U.S. firms that trade in scrap materials

Contact information for the UK competent authority can be found on the Basel website

For further details on UK market please contact and for information on the new regulatory requirements contact