Market Intelligence
Vehicle-Immobilizer Equipment United Kingdom Exports

United Kingdom Law Enforcement Looking to Tackle eScooter and eBike Enabled Crime

The UK’s E-scooter market has nearly doubled in size since December 2020 with 5,700 units now available across 36 towns and cities in the UK.  The Department for Transport launched the first E-scooter rental trial in 2020 and new ones are continuing to be launched throughout London and the UK.  By the end of 2021, the number of E-scooters on the streets of the UK is expected to dramatically increase because of the ongoing trials and the public becoming comfortable with E-Scooters as a new mode of transportation. 

This rapid rise in E-scooter availability has led to an urgent need for UK Law Enforcement to be able to bring these vehicles to a controlled stop in a manner which does not pose a risk to the rider, the public or police officers.  To safely stop E-Bikes and E-Scooters, UK Law Enforcement is seeking to identify new and innovative concepts that enhance its ability to prevent and stop E-Scooters and E-Bikes from being used for crime.   Specifically, the UK is seeking innovation to:

  • render a stationary E-Scooter or E-Bike incapable of moving off; 
  • bring a moving E-Scooter or E-Bike to a controlled stop;
  • be target specific, i.e. does not affect persons or technology around the suspect vehicle, and;
  • be capable of being successfully deployed in different locations, i.e. the system/technology should be readily portable.

On behalf of UK Law Enforcement, the UK’s Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is seeking emerging and current technologies that have potential to provide the effects required by Law Enforcement.  DASA will consider solutions which would allow E-Scooters, E-Bikes or suspects using them to commit crime, to be electronically located post event, thus reducing the need for pursuit.

DASA is interested in innovative capabilities and ideas for stopping or preventing E-Scooter and E-Bike crime at any maturity level.  DASA is seeking proposals from companies or individuals with the experience and knowledge necessary to establish sound scientific evidence for any potential technology and associated hardware.

For more information on how to submit a proposal to DASA or on other opportunities in the UK defense and security sectors, please contact PJ Menner in Embassy London at