Market Intelligence
Environmental Technology United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates Environmental Technologies 2023 Year of Sustainability

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is highly focused on sustainability on the Road to COP28, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that will be held in Dubai in November 2023. The UAE was the first country in the region to ratify the Paris Agreement, the first to commit to an economy-wide reduction in emissions, and the first to announce a Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative, proving its commitment to climate action. Further, Emiratis are positioning the UAE as a global hub for logistics, transportation, and green technology. 

The UAE announced 2023 as the Year of Sustainability with a commitment to focus on environmental sustainability and taking collective action in key initiatives across different sectors: energy, transportation, water conservation, waste management, and sustainable development. The UAE plans to invest billions of dollars on new projects in these sectors in coming years.

Dubai Water, Energy, Technology, Environment Exhibition (WETEX) is the region’s largest sustainability & clean energy technology exhibitions on the road to COP28.  Organized by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), WETEX and the co-located Dubai Solar Show are leading platforms for U.S. companies to showcase their latest solutions and products.  Key sectors include energy, water, sustainability, green technologies, renewable and clean energy, green mobility solutions, sustainable development, green buildings, water desalination technologies, smart cities, and others.  

To learn more about opportunities in the UAE during WETEX, COP28, and the Year of Sustainability, please contact