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Design and Construction United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates Design and Construction Dubai Municipality Infrastructure

Dubai Municipality is planning significant infrastructure investments that align with the city’s ambitious growth and development plans. Dubai is modernizing and expanding its infrastructure to support its burgeoning population and economic activities.

The city’s focus on sustainability extends to water and waste management, with numerous projects aimed at enhancing water recycling, sewerage systems, waste treatment, and resource recovery. Major projects include the Deep Tunnel Storm Water System, advanced waste-to-energy plants, and most prominently the city’s $22 billion Dubai Strategic Sewerage Tunnels (DSST) project, a crucial component of Dubai’s 2040 Urban Master Plan, aimed at transitioning the city’s sewerage system from a pumped to a gravity-based system. This project involves constructing extensive tunnel networks, deep pump stations, and link sewers, significantly enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of wastewater management.

Dubai is heavily investing in smart city infrastructure, which includes modernizing its transportation systems. The city’s initiatives encompass smart traffic management systems, intelligent street lighting, and smart utilities to improve operational efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and enhance residents’ quality of life. Dubai is expanding and upgrading its transportation infrastructure through the development of the Dubai Metro, tram systems, and extensive road networks. Future projects aim to further enhance connectivity with innovative solutions such as autonomous vehicles, air taxis, and hyperloop systems.

  • Environmental technologies, water treatment technologies, waste management solutions, and EPC
  • Smart city solutions, IoT technologies, data analytics, digital and mobility solution providers
Learn More at Events in the UAE
  • Water, Energy, Technology, and Environment Exhibition, October 1-3, 2024
  • GITEX Global, October 14-18, 2024
  • Big 5 Global, November 26-29, 2024

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