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Health Information Technology United Kingdom Market Access

UK NHS Digital Technology Assessment Criteria

English public sector National Health Service (NHS) digital technology agency NHSX recently launched the Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC), which consolidates existing legislation and principles of good practice into an easy to navigate set of baseline standards.  DTAC will guide digital technology or app developers as they design or configure products for use in the NHS in England and help local or national health and social care organizations procure in line with NHS standards.  The assessment criteria is divided into five components: clinical safety, data protection, technical assurance, interoperability, and usability and accessibility.  Additional information and a copy of the DTAC document can be found here.

Companies wishing to sell to the NHS in England are also advised to review Health Technology Assessment (HTA) body, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), evidence standards framework for digital health technologies.  This framework aims to ensure technologies bought by the NHS are clinically effective and offer economic value.  Additional information can be found here

In addition for the above documents, companies should check for additional policies, regulations, or standards applicable to their technology.  The U.S. Commercial Service in London can offer additional assistance, at