Market Intelligence
Aviation Defense Equipment United Kingdom

UK Defense Market Windfarm Mitigation

The development of Offshore Wind in the UK has supported its domestic energy demands and the UK Government’s commitment towards a greener future but the continued development of wind turbine sites have caused several negative effects on air traffic control and the MOD’s primary surveillance radar capability.   

To build upon the UK Government’s commitment towards a greener future while retaining the invaluable protection that radar provides, the UK MOD is seeking to identify innovations that can provide future offshore windfarm mitigation for UK Air Defence surveillance; including alternative technologies that could fill or remove gaps in radar coverage. 

The MOD is seeking ideals from industry that permit the coexistence of offshore windfarms alongside UK air defense surveillance systems.  Specifically, the MOD is seeking:

  • Alternative technologies that could reduce radar clutter caused by offshore windfarms
  • Improvements to the probability of intruder detection
  • Capability to fill or remove gaps in radar coverage
  • Alternatives to radar
  • Solutions to the cumulative effect of windfarm development
  • Meta-surfaces applied to, or alterations to the design of, the wind turbines
  • Alterations to the initial radar signal or radar station or processing of the return

If you think you have technology or have an idea that can be developed to support the coexistence of offshore windfarms and UK air defense systems, the MOD would like to hear from you by contacting them at

For more information on the MOD and opportunities in the UK defense market, please contact PJ Menner in Embassy London at