Market Intelligence
Education Romania

Romania digitalization of education

As part of the European Commission’s 2021-2027 Digital Education Action Plan, Romania has recently allocated €881 million for digitalization of education as part of its Recovery and Resilience Plan. The funds will be used for improving digital pedagogical skills, educational content, and equipment and resources in accordance with the three priorities of the Digital Education Action Plan:

       1. Making better use of digital technology for teaching and learning

       2. Developing relevant digital skills and competences for digital transformation

       3. Improving education systems through better data analysis and foresight

Higher education institutions in Romania have shown, during the Covid-19 pandemic, a very high capacity to adapt to digital teaching models, but they require additional resources and dedicated training to support this model.  Romania has 54 public and 35 private universities located in 24 cities and serving over 550,000 students.  Business administration, law, engineering, and industrial technologies are the most common academic programs.

Opportunities exist for experts and providers of course development in digital formats, as well as specialists in production, multimedia, and technical support.

For more information, please contact Ms. Alina Capat at, or Mr. Gabriel Popescu, Commercial Specialists at the U.S. Commercial Service Romania.