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Automotive Poland Transport Infrastructure

Poland Electric Vehicles

The European Union, which will ban the sale of internal combustion vehicles in 2035, in a draft regulation on alternative fuels will impose an obligation on the member states to ensure at least 1 kW of power in the public charging infrastructure for each registered purely electric car and 0.66 kW for a plug-in hybrid.

Poland, as one of the EU countries with the least developed infrastructure to support electric vehicle charging, may have the biggest problem with this.

The report of the Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA) shows that Poland is still able to meet the criteria, but only due to the still small park of electric cars. As estimated by the PSPA, in three years Poland should have approximately 42 thousand charging points, ten times more than it now has.

The construction of an electricity connection to a charger in Poland takes from one to three years, much longer than in other EU countries. This slow increase in the number of charging points will have a negative impact on the sales of electric vehicles, but also may cost Poland financial penalties for failure to meet the objectives set out in the regulation. 

At the end of April 2022, a total of 46,552 passenger and utility electric cars were registered in Poland. The infrastructure consisted of 2,166 publicly accessible charging stations.

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