Market Intelligence
Materials Handling Machinery Design and Construction Malaysia

Malaysia Smart Manufacturing

The Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) announced the launch of the Smart Manufacturing Experience Centre.  This initiative, under the Centre of Excellence for Smart Manufacturing, will enable SMEs to access existing platforms, technology, and use cases to advance their Industry Forward (IR4.0) strategies.

The objectives of this Centre include:
•    To provide a place for the industry to learn and experience the application of Industry 4.0 technology
•    To provide a ‘test bed’ for companies to test innovation using their own data
•    To train the industry and institutes of higher learning on the application of Industry 4.0 technology
•    To learn through access to successful use cases from SIRIM and other collaborators

According to SIRIM’s President & Group Chief Executive, Ir. Dr. Ahmad Fadzil Mohamad Hani, “…there is a ‘wait-and-see’ attitude among most Malaysian companies…” and the Centre aim of to push Malaysian companies “…to be proactive and become agents of change in sharing new ideas, concepts, standards, and technologies…”.

SIRIM will be collaborating with international companies, such as Hitachi, Bosch Rexroth, and Huawei, in identifying affordable and suitable IT related solutions for Malaysian SMEs. By having close links to industry and understanding the needs behind Industry 4.0 innovation, SIRIM plans to introduce new ideas and concepts to incentivize local SMEs to adopt smart technologies in areas such as Machine Learning, Additive Manufacturing or 3D printing, Augmented Reality (AR), Automated Optical Inspection and Collaborative Robot (COBOT).

The Smart Manufacturing Experience Centre also aims to be the strategic partner and a total solution provider for Smart Manufacturing and related services in the Asia Pacific.

Malaysia is on the path of IR4.0.  With a small population, it needs to drive up productivity and depend less on low-cost foreign labor.  In order to achieve these development objectives, technology implementation is the way forward.  For U.S. companies that are innovators and leaders in the forefront of IR4.0 technology, and would like to participate in this partnership program with SIRIM, let us know or visit their website to learn more about SIRIM.  Please reach out to us at  for further information on these programs.