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Italy Opportunities Italian Research Institute

Human Technopole will use genomics, innovative algorithms for data analysis, multiscale methods in computational life sciences and advanced technologies for food and diagnostics.The new groundbreaking infrastructure will include 7 research centers and 4 facilities. Three existing buildings – Palazzo Italia, US6 and Cardo NO, will be refurbished and two new buildings will be built.

Since January 2018 Palazzo Italia is hosting the first researchers and technical staff. In 2018 the US6 building will be refurbished to host the Imaging Facility (F2) and the laboratories. At the same time work around the Cardo NO building will also start to build the infrastructures that will support the research centers: the Central Genomics Facility (F1) and the Common Shares Services Facility (F4). The project development of the new buildings (green box and light blue box) hosting laboratories will start within April 2018. On February 16th, the coordinating committee appointed the Scottish scientist Iain Mattaj as the HT Director General. He is current the director general of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, one of the most important molecular biology research centers in the world.
Opportunities for U.S. Companies
New opportunities will rise for US companies providing advanced solutions and products in the research areas of the Human Technopole (just few examples of technologies):

  • F1 Central-Genomic Facility: the genomic platform will include technologies such as genome sequencing, transcriptome sequencing, chromatin immunoprecipitationsequencing, gene-panel sequencing, as well as more specialized sequencing approaches. The HT will continuously seek out novel emerging genomic technologies. The functional proteomics platform will be integrated with state-of-the-art high-resolution mass spectrometry technology, while the mass-cytometry platform will be equipped with high-resolution mass spectrometry coupled to chromatographic systems.
  • F2 Structural Imaging Facility: a state-of-the-art cryo electron microscopy (EM) infrastructure will be built, with one top-range electron microscope and cryo electron tomography.
  • F3 Facility for Data Storage and High-Performance Computing: big data storage facilities will be complemented by a large HPC infrastructure.
  • F4 Facility for in Vivo and in Vitro Modeling: the facility will provide infrastructure and technologies for establishing, maintaining and analyzing in vitro and in vivo model of diseases, comprising the iPSCs platform, Mouse Genetics platform and Germ-Free Facility.

Call to Action:
The U.S. Commercial Service at the U.S. Embassy in Rome can be contacted:
E-mail at:
Phone: +39 0646742204
Fax: +39 0646742113
Additional Resources:
Human Technopole:  and specifically the Research centers and facilities