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Medical Devices Health Information Technology Italy

Italy Medical Technologies Recovery Plan

The pandemic exposed key deficiencies in the resources and infrastructure of the Italian healthcare system. In response, the Italian Government has prepared a National Recovery and Resilience Plan for the healthcare sector to upgrade digital, structural, and technological resources.  Eight billion euro has been allotted to the regions, which will have three months to present their operational plans.

Investments in health services will include construction of 1,280 community houses and 38 community hospitals, improvement of home care services, and acquisition of medical and digital technologies for hospitals and emergency rooms.

Specifically, the 8 billion euro spending will be divided as follows:

  • 2.6 billion euro for the digitalization of emergency departments in hospitals and for the renewal of large equipment*
  • 2 billion euro for the construction of the community houses
  • 204 million euro for the “Home as a first place of care” project, to include telemedicine, devices, and the construction of the territorial operating centers to support delivery of healthcare services in the home
  • 1 billion euro for construction of community hospitals
  • 640 million euro for seismic upgrading of healthcare facilities
  • 30 million euro to strength the collection, processing, and production of data at a local level
  • 80 million euro in training personnel on hospital infections

*This includes the purchase of 3,133 new large high-tech devices (1.19 billion): 340 CT scans with 128 slice, 190 MRI at 1.5 T, 81 linear accelerators, 937 Fixed X-ray systems, 193 angiographs, 82 gamma camera, 53 gamma camera/CT, 34 PET CT, 295 Mammographs, and 928 echotomographic devices.  The remaining 1.45 billion euro is allocated for digitalization.

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