Market Intelligence
Space Satellites Israel

Israel Space Industry Opportunities

A New Strategic Plan for Advancing the Israeli Civilian Space Industry 

The Israel Space Agency has presented the strategic plan for advancing the civilian space industry in Israel which maps out the vision, objectives and targets, and the activities that are required to achieve them, in a detailed manner.

The plan determines that the space industry can constitute a force multiplier and leverage for significant economic growth, for strengthening components of science and technology, and also for enhancing Israel’s international status. Furthermore, it contains measurable targets for the development of the Israeli space industry together with a long list of actions, for which the budgetary scale in the next five years is estimated at around NIS 600 million (~$180 million).  

The objective of the plan is to enhance the strength and independence of the State of Israel, by positioning it as one of the world’s leaders in the space industry, as leverage for economic growth as part of the Israeli high-tech industry; to give a boost to science and technology; and to enhance Israel’s international status. To reach this goal, the plan defines four main objectives: (1) to strengthen and develop the civilian space industry in Israel, as a sustainable growth engine; (2) to strengthen and support scientific research in space; (3) to advance and develop the human capital that is required to further strength and growth in the space industry; (4) to enhance Israel’s international status in the field of space.

Among the key activities cited as part of the plan is the establishment of a space-based National Data Center, doubling the number of space companies active in Israel, quadrupling the scope of annual sales and the number of employees within Israel’s space industry, and the establishment of an infrastructure center for small satellites.

Encouraging the development of the Israeli NewSpace eco-system

TELEM Forum (the National Infrastructure Forum for Research and Development), Israel Innovation Authority and Israel Space Agency are in the process of developing an infrastructure center for small satellites. The Center will be used as a platform to encourage the Israeli NewSpace eco-system and R&D with the following key objectives:

  • Encourage new space related projects in academia and commercial space industry, particularly in the small satellite sub-sector;
  • Promote innovation and entrepreneurship;
  • Push for academia and commercial industry joint space-related scientific and technological research;
  • Bolster competitiveness between the companies in the commercial space industry; and
  • Establish and develop a vibrant eco-system.

Next Steps

An American company interested in further information about this, or other aerospace & defense opportunities, can contact Additionally, U.S. firms interested in expanding sales in Israel should consider working with the U.S. Commercial Service in Israel to explore matchmaking, market research or other assistance that may prove beneficial.