Market Intelligence
Educational Technology Hong Kong China Asia Pacific Export Potential

Hong Kong Demand for EdTech

With more than 100,000 students in higher education, an abundance of governmental financial support, and a drive toward digital transformation in traditional education models, Hong Kong is ripe for innovative U.S. education technology (edtech) companies to prosper.

Led by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, five of Hong Kong’s eight major universities have collaborated to create the Hong Kong Virtual University (HKVU) to provide shared online university services to the public. Under the HKVU, HKMOOC (a massive open online course platform) similar to Coursera or Udacity, was created to enable distance-learning on a mass scale.

The Education University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University has also initiated studies in edtech academia. They have both created Bachelor and Master degree programs on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education Technology to support the future development of edtech in schools, tertiary education, government and corporate sectors. Adult education is also in high demand where the Vocational Training Council (VTC) has created STEM education centers to help integrate virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) studies. For these programs, management systems such as Canvas and Moodle have been widely adopted to help organize course curriculums. The Hong Kong Metropolitan University has developed a similar system named OLE to integrate e-learning solutions used by the school into one single online platform.

AI will play an increasingly large role in education in Hong Kong. The Education University of Hong Kong, for example, has started exploring the adoption of Facial Emotion Recognition Systems, eye-tracking AI and MOOC student behavior modelling. This further indicates that the growing edtech market in Hong Kong will create additional opportunities for U.S. edtech solutions.

Top prospects for the edtech development in Hong Kong include:

  • Coding: UNA, Coding Room
  • Interactive tools: NearPod, Peardeck, Mindmeister
  • LMS: Canvas, MOODLE
  • Virtual Classroom: ZOOM, MS Teams, Blackboard Collaborate, Cisco Webex, Google Meet
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • VR/AR

To learn more about edtech opportunities for U.S. firms in Hong Kong, please contact Joanna Lam, education specialist for the U.S. Commercial Service in Hong Kong at