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Road Vehicles Automotive Parts Environmental Technology Ghana Sub-Saharan Africa Climate

Ghana Electrical Vehicle Prospects

**This is the second of two market intelligence reports on the EV market in Ghana. 

Africa remains the continent with the lowest per capita vehicle ownership in the world. Further, the corridor of West Africa that includes Ghana is expected to be the fastest growing urban population center in the world for the next 20 years, with a fast growing youth population that seeks vehicle ownership. Meanwhile, however, Ghana’s transportation sector, contributes to 47.7% of energy-related carbon emissions.  The EV market in Ghana is at a nascent stage, but there are several initiatives underway, including the development of charging infrastructure and the introduction of electric vehicles into the Ghanaian market.

Specific opportunities: 

1.    Exports of used and new EV vehicles: On average, approximately 70% of all cars on the road in Ghana are imported and many of them are used. This import market already includes hybrid vehicles imported and sold on the secondary market. As the global EV market expands, the secondary EV market will likely find a niche in Ghana.  

2.    Supplying Parts, Batteries, or Completely Knocked Down (CKD) kits to domestic assemblers and manufactures.  Ghana is a longstanding importer of CKDs for internal combustion engine vehicles.  Its domestic auto assembly company, Kantanka, is reportedly importing Chinese CKDs for EV car assembly. 

3.    Leasing EVs: Establishing a leasing opportunity for consumers could help to remove the financial barrier to ownership and allow potential buyers to try out the EV vehicles.  SolarTaxi, an EV-powered taxi service, has pioneered leasing of EVs in Ghana, offering up to 15 different (primarily Chinese manufactured) EVs on lease for periods of time as short at one month.  

4.    Creative Vehicle Financing Mechanisms: Companies that can create affordable vehicle financing options, especially for a population that often does not use traditional banks and relies on mobile money apps, would find a large, untapped market in Ghana. For example, Moove, Uber’s vehicle financing and vehicle supply partner in sub-Saharan Africa, is providing revenue-based vehicle financing to mobility entrepreneurs across Africa.  

5.    Building Out Charging Infrastructure:  There are few charging stations at present, in Ghana outside of central locations such as the major malls.  Solar Taxi had three EV charging stations powered by photovoltaic systems in mid-2020.  In September, 2022, Total Energies unveiled an EV charging unit at one of its petrol stations in Accra, its first.  A local Ghanaian company has an agreement with the national power utility company, the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), to install EV charging stations across Ghana and  will install a total of 200 chargers across southern Ghana in the first phase of the project.  Supplying and installing charging points at fuel filling stations is an opportunity as is the sale and installation of home charging systems. 

6.    Providing electrical vehicle conversion kits to consumers with internal combustion engine cars. 

7.    Selling E-Bikes: Solar Taxi, with funding from the Africa Development Fund and others, has launched an initiative in December 2022 to introduce 1200 electric motor bikes in Ghana.  The market for such bikes is much greater. Delivery service companies could be major customers.   

8.    Government purchases of buses and other public vehicles: Ghana has a national target to have 32% or 12,027 electric public buses in service by 2050.  In the near term (subject to Ghana’s current fiscal constraints) the government seeks to introduce 1,000 electric buses and related charging and maintenance infrastructure for intra-city (40%) and intercity (60%) transport services. This includes both 500 Complete Built Unit electric buses and 500 Semi-Knocked-Down (SKD) buses which it seeks to assemble in Ghana in partnership with local assemblers.

Major challenges for the sector at present: 

1.    The cost of vehicles and cost of battery replacement: vehicle financing is often prohibitive, with dealerships offering a one-year payment plan and commercial loans reaching interest rates as high as 40%, at present.  Import duties, Value Added Taxes, and other charges, vehicle taxes, and undifferentiated harmonized tariff codes for electric vehicles contribute to high import costs.  Lack of government incentives to purchase electric vehicles.  
2.    Lack of infrastructure for charging. Large investments would need to be made into electrical vehicle charging infrastructure with a strong push from the Government to spur action. 

3.    Electricity prices are increasing from an already high base. The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) announced a 30% increase in electricity utilities, effective February 2023. 

4.    Lack of qualified dealerships and vehicle maintenance shops that can repair vehicles. 

5.    Consumer education about vehicle operation, maintenance, repair, and charging. 

Trade Shows and Major Events: Trade shows such as Flynt Auto Events could offer an opportunity to introduce and market new products for consumers and industry. See:

The Energy Commission’s E-Mobility Conference, which was launched in 2021, forms another major opportunity to network with players in this emerging sectors.  The Energy Commission pilots energy efficiency and EV-related projects in Ghana. Their activities can be followed at:

To learn more about doing business in Ghana’s emerging EV market, contact Commercial Service Ghana at or +233(0)30-274-1870 and see our Country Commercial Guide to Ghana for broader context on doing business in Ghana and our market intelligence reports for ongoing updates on specific topics and industries.