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The Future of Sustainable Irrigation

Egypt: The Future of Sustainable Irrigation

U.S. manufacturers of integrated renewable energy technologies, efficient irrigation water management solutions, and high-precision agricultural equipment will find strong demand in the Egyptian market.

The agriculture sector is vital to Egypt’s economic growth, employing 30% of the workforce in rural areas and providing livelihoods for 55% of the population. However, long-term challenges are impacting agricultural productivity including water scarcity, food security, and climate change.

Egypt relies on the Nile River for a vast majority of its freshwater resources but while supply stayed constant, the demand for water increased substantially over the years and was expected to continue to do so in the future due to rapid population growth, agricultural expansion, and industrial development.

In addition, drastic changes in climate are adding further strain on scarce water resources and food security. Climate change models projected an increasing probability of severe weather events that would increase yield volatility and decrease global production of key crops. This would aggravate agricultural commodity market instability and increase Egypt’s risk of food shortages.

Agriculture is one of the most water-intensive sectors in Egypt as currently, farmers use flood or submersion irrigation systems. As part of its policy to avoid depletion of freshwater resources, rationalize water consumption, and improve water management efficiency the Egyptian government is placing special emphasis on modern irrigation. In this context, the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation has launched a process to modernize the irrigation systems operating in the country.

Opportunities for U.S. Companies

Egypt is counting on the participation of U.S. companies to lead the development and implementation of the country’s irrigation system modernization. New tenders present a clear opportunity for U.S. suppliers that can offer drip/pivot irrigation systems and related equipment, which can be powered by clean energy. U.S. manufacturers of integrated renewable energy technologies, efficient irrigation water management solutions and high-precision agricultural equipment will find strong demand in the Egyptian market.

For more information, please contact Commercial Assistant Pancea Motawi.