Market Intelligence
Water and Wastewater El Salvador

El Salvador Water Resources Law

The government of El Salvador approved a new Water Resources Law (Ley de Recursos Hidricos) in December 2022, which prohibits the privatization of water and recognized the access to water and sanitation as a human right. The Water Resources Law created a new government entity, the Salvadoran Water Authority (Autoridad Salvadoreña del Agua – ASA), which will be responsible for governing water usage.

In addition, the law establishes that any individual or company, public or private, that would like to exploit or use water resources for purposes other than domestic use, will need an authorization of ASA. The regulation on the implementation of the law is still pending approval, however, all sectors that use, exploit, or discharges water resources as part of their processes will need to comply, such as textile and apparel, food and beverage manufacturers, agribusiness.

An increase in the demand of water treatment products, equipment, technology, and solutions is expected in El Salvador in the short to medium term. 

The Water Resources Law promotes the activities and projects related to the efficient use of water resources, rainwater utilization, wastewater treatment, restoration of bodies of water, and groundwater recharge. A copy of the law is available in El Salvador’s Official Gazette (date of publication: January 12, 2022).  

For more information, contact the U.S. Commercial Service Office in San Salvador at