Market Intelligence
Design and Construction Colombia Trade Opportunities

Colombia Infrastructure Opportunities

Following the 2016 Peace Agreement with the FARC, the Colombian Government prioritized infrastructure projects to develop areas of the economy restricted by years of conflict. The previous administration led by President Juan Manuel Santos launched a national infrastructure initiative which encompassed the development of 29 highway projects valued at USD 12.6 billion. Currently, 54% of those projects are completed. The current Administration of President Ivan Duque is committed to concluding the remaining projects and has incorporated 24 new projects valued at USD 12.9 billion. This initiative will foster Colombia’s competitiveness by connecting distribution centers to ports through multimodal transportation systems. The first phase of this new initiative incorporates the development of highways, railways, river improvement projects, and airport renovation projects.

The Colombian Government will finance some of these projects directly and others through a PPP framework. Even though Colombia is a price-sensitive market, the local construction and infrastructure sectors have a high affinity for U.S. expertise, technology, and products. Colombia has a free trade agreement with the United States that eliminated over 80% of duties on U.S. exports of consumer and industrial products and created stronger protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in Colombia.  

With a broad portfolio of infrastructure projects, Colombia is a strategic market for the development of new business opportunities in construction, architecture, and engineering. The U.S. Commercial Service has partnered with Colombia’s Construction Chamber of Commerce (CAMACOL) on a series of opportunities to connect U.S. companies with local construction companies for the development of infrastructure projects in Colombia. The first opportunity will focus on the expansion of Medellin’s Light Rail. The project will connect 32 neighborhoods across 8 miles with 17 stations and 3 road bridges. 

For more information on how your company can participate in the Medellin Light Rail and other infrastructure projects in Colombia, please contact Stephanie Delgado in the Commercial section of U.S. Embassy Bogota.