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China Construction Industry

To implement and promote the upgrading and construction of municipal infrastructure facilities, the State Council Issued a “Notice on the Action Plan for Promoting Large-Scale Equipment Updating and Trade-in of Consumer Goods.”  The Ministry of Housing, Urban, and Rural Development formulated the following implementation plan on March 27, 2024.

The entire purpose of this plan is to ensure the safe, green, and smart operation of urban infrastructure and promote high-quality urban development. The implementation plan adheres to market-oriented principles and applies government guidance to eliminate outdated technology, replace old residential elevators, standardize the renewal of liquefied petroleum gas filling stations, and update water supply, sewage treatment, and heating facilities and equipment.

The plan covers upgrading urban disaster emergency response systems. It also addresses the installation and update of Internet of Things equipment in infrastructure, such as underground pipe networks, bridges, tunnels, and manhole covers. New urban infrastructure Internet of Things equipment will be designed simultaneously with the main equipment. The plan also addresses intelligent transformation of old facilities and communication infrastructure.

The following are potential opportunities in the construction sector:

  • Update and transform environmental sanitation equipment that consumes high energy, has outdated technology, frequently breaks down, or poses safety hazards.
  • Update and eliminate construction machinery and equipment that have been used for more than 10 years and have high pollution output, high energy consumption, serious aging and wear, or outdated technology. Encourage the renewal and purchase of new energy and new technology engineering machinery and equipment, such as smart lifts and construction robots.
  • Renovating buildings to increase energy efficiency, including renovating heat pumps, radiators, chillers, exterior windows (curtain walls), exterior wall (roof) insulation, lighting equipment, and addressing safety hazards and no repair value items.
  • Upgrade equipment that is outdated, does not meet relevant standards and specifications, and does not meet energy conservation and environmental protection standards.

To complete the task, each province has set their own goals. Companies can contact the local MOHURD to find the detailed plans. The following is an example from the Zhejiang and Shandong provinces: By 2027, Zhejiang province will renovate 4000 existing elevators, install 4800 new elevators, renovate 420 gas pipeline projects, renovate 40 sewage treatment facilities, renovate 5 million square meters of energy efficiency building projects, and encourage to purchase intelligent construction equipment.  Shandong province will renovate 2000 existing elevators, install 5000 new elevators, renovate 2100 kilometers gas pipelines. Totally 70% sewage treatment factories will be updated, and the recycled water utilization rate will reach 57%.  Renovate and completed energy efficiency projects of 30 million square meters of existing buildings. And encourage replacing 10-year-old equipment and purchasing new technology equipment, such as robots and other intelligent construction equipment.

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