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Equipment and Machinery China Trade Development

China Changes Certification - Certain Products

The Certification and Accreditation Administration of the P.R. China (CNCA) announced that starting October 1st, 2019 electric apparatus for explosion prevention, household gas appliances, and household fridges with standard volume above 500L will shift from requiring production permits to jurisdiction of CCC certification management. The list of affected products includes:

Electric Apparatus for Explosion Prevention 
•    Electric machinery for explosion prevention 
•    Electric pump for explosion prevention
•    Electric accessories for explosion prevention
•    Control, protection or operation products for explosion prevention
•    Launcher-type products for explosion prevention
•    Products for changing frequency in explosion prevention
•    Electric operation equipment, electromagnetic valve type products for explosion prevention
•    Connection installation for explosion prevention 
•    Monitoring installation for explosion prevention 
•    Communications and signal installation for explosion prevention 
•    Air-conditioning and ventilation equipment for explosion prevention 
•    Electric heating products for explosion prevention 
•    Accessories and EX units for explosion prevention 
•    Measuring instruments and meters for explosion prevention 
•    Transmission machine for explosion prevention
•    Safety fence-type products for explosion prevention 
•    Meter box-type products for explosion prevention 
•    Household gas cookware

Household Gas Appliances
•    Household gas cookware
•    Household gas-operated quick water heater 

Household Refrigerators with Standard Volume above 500L
•    Household electric fridges and freezers
For definitive details and full text in Chinese, please see here