Market Intelligence
Inorganic Chemicals Chile Investment

Chile Mining Opportunity in Latin America’s Lithium Triangle

General Background  

The National Mining Company – ENAMI, a state-owned company, is authorized to directly explore and exploit non-concession minerals within Chile without prejudice to the role granted by the National Lithium Strategy.

ENAMI is seeking to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the brines as a first step to conduct engineering studies. Therefore, it is essential to carry out laboratory pilot tests to better understand their brine’s behavior and various technologies and processes.

To do this, ENAMI established a subsidiary to execute the lithium projects of interest. This development is confined within the “Salares Altoandinos” project. This project involves the technical/economic feasibility study for the exploitation of salt flats located in the northeastern sector of the Atacama Region, specifically in the Chañaral province, Diego de Almagro County.

ENAMI is committed to meeting social and environmental requirements for sustainable development. Its aim is to promote new technologies that respect local communities and minimize environmental impact. This Request for Information (RFI) process stimulates innovation and supports projects that redefine the lithium extraction landscape.

General Objective of the RFI  

The general objective of the RFI phase is to understand the capabilities available in national and international markets for conducting pilot tests of lithium extraction technologies, allowing ENAMI to conduct a proper technological assessment and to better understand its brine.  Upon completion of the RFI stage and based on its results, ENAMI may consider the possibility of conducting tests with one or more institutions that have participated in this process. This RFI stage does not imply binding commitments.

Specific Objectives of the RFI

1. Identify interested companies that have conducted pilot tests to evaluate lithium extraction methodologies.

2. Explore initiatives in various stages of development capable of accurately assessing the behavior and efficiency of the salt flat brine.

3. Recognize existing opportunities to conduct brine pilot tests with each company.

4. Facilitate the potential creation of industrial and commercial alliances between national and international companies to develop new lithium extraction technologies.


April 20, 2024, is the deadline for submission of information documents.

Application method

The proposal, along with the required technical, budgetary, and legal documents, must be submitted through the form provided below (RFI Proposal Form), and if necessary, send the attached documents to the email If this option is not available, paper submissions will be accepted. A USB drive or other digital storage device with the corresponding information must be attached in this case. This package must be labeled ‘Procedure for the RFI (Request for Information) Testing technological processes for lithium extraction’ and delivered to the ENAMI Parts Office, located at Enrique MacIver Street No. 459, 1st floor, Santiago commune, and city of Santiago. The attached documents in the electronic system and on the USB drive or other digital storage medium must be presented in the document text, spreadsheet, or other compatible file formats, such as doc, xls, jpg, or pdf.

RFI Proposal Form

The following online survey must provide all the information mentioned in section 3: If you wish to send the attached documents, please mail them to Annex 2 letter should also be sent as an attachment.

As a courtesy, an English form is provided, which will not be evaluated but may assist those participating in the RFI.

U.S. mining companies and equipment suppliers are well positioned to compete in Chile’s mining sector due to their innovative technologies and services. Export opportunities will remain for companies offering products and services that bring operational cost reductions, improved productivity, and more efficient use of energy, water, and cleaner and safer processes.

Please contact The U.S. Commercial Service in Chile or for assistance.