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Construction Technology Construction Equipment and Machinery Brazil Trade Development

Brazil Prefabricated Housing for Rio Grande do Sul

The federal government has authorized the purchase of prefabricated modular homes speeding up delivery of Minha Casa Minha Vida housing units for families affected by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul.  

The goal with this authorization is to reduce the construction time of the units to ten months. Today, the average term ranges from 18 to 24 months. If the program in Rio Grande do Sul is successful, the government will expand the initiative of prefabricated modular homes to the entire country.  We expect that the Brazilian Ministry of Cities will publish a legislative act this year, establishing rules for the new construction, which include prefabricated models.

According to local requirements, foreign firms need to partner with local firms, to be eligible. This presents a unique opportunity for U.S. engineering, construction, and architecture firms to partner with Brazilian companies and enter this market.  

For further details about finding a partner and technical requirements, please contact U.S. Commercial Service, Rio de Janeiro: Patrick Levy, Commercial Specialist at and Julia Milla, Commercial Assistant at