Market Intelligence
Dental Equipment and Supplies Australia Trade Opportunities

Australia Oral Health Market

The Australian market for oral health care is highly competitive with multiple players offering a range of goods and services. Dental services are a significant aspect of oral health care. The Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) reports that the dental service market is projected to experience an annual growth rate of 1.2% between 2022 and 2027. In 2022, total revenues for the Australia dental industry reached US$7 billion.

ADIA forecasts that the dental service industry is poised for incremental growth over the next five years. Factors such as population growth, aging demographics, and rising disposable incomes are expected to support the industry’s growth. Additionally, there is a general trend towards greater demand for improved oral health care over the next few years. The availability of a supporting workforce, including the influx of new dental studies graduates, is expected to accommodate this growing demand. Overall, these factors contribute to a positive outlook for the dental service industry, characterized by steady growth and low revenue volatility.

Unlike other health services in Australia, dental services are primarily privately provided. Consequently, individuals typically finance their own dental visits and procedures using personal funds, with the option to utilize private insurance to reduce costs. Approximately 55% of Australians are covered by private health insurance. People with coverage are more likely to visit the dentist regularly and are more willing to undergo costly treatments. This arrangement incentivizes regular dental care among half of Australians.

Australia relies heavily on imports for dental products and equipment, with 98% of dental goods sourced from overseas, according to the ADIA. The USA, Germany, Thailand, Switzerland, and Ireland are the top five sources that account for 62% of total dental imports by value. There is a small local manufacturing base for dental goods in Australia, with less than 3% of dental goods in Australia being locally produced and limited mainly to treatment chairs and filling-materials.

American companies that are interested in Australia’s dental industry market opportunities should contact: